Our Wildlife Corridors

The success of conservation efforts, with expanding wildlife corridors on the Osa Peninsula, is exemplified by Corcovado National Park, a haven for wildlife nestled within this biologically rich region of Costa Rica. Covering over 164 square miles (424 square kilometers) of pristine rainforest, Corcovado provides a sanctuary for a diverse array of species, including the Osa Peninsula wildcats that call this area home.

The wildcats of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica are a captivating array of feline species thriving in the lush rainforests and diverse ecosystems of this remote region; the 5 wildcats are jaguars, jaguarundi, ocelots, margays, and pumas, each contributing to the rich biodiversity of the area. The Oncilla, Mesoamerica’s smallest wild cat, is the sixth species of wildcat in Costa Rica, but it isn’t located on the Osa Peninsula.


The largest cats in the Americas, reign as the apex predators of the peninsula, their elusive nature making them symbols of mystery and power.

In Costa Rica, the Osa Peninsula and the Corcovado National Park emerge as prime locations for jaguar sightings. These secretive wild cats, who are noted for being solitary and elusive, have here the perfect environment thanks to the park’s complex network of paths and riverbanks.

Jaguars of the Osa


With their sleek bodies and small size, are adept hunters both on the ground and in trees, the Jaguarundi is the only wild cat in Costa Rica that is primarily active during the day. They can run relatively fast for a cat in the wild at a speed of around 40mph.

Wildcats on the Osa Peninsula


With their striking spotted coats, roam the dense foliage with agile grace, preying on small mammals and birds, but because they swim well, they will often hunt for fish.  Being relatively large for a cat, the spotted feline is only out grown by the Jaguar and Puma. 

Ocelots of the Osa Peninsula


Resembling miniature leopards, navigate the treetops with unparalleled agility, the margays prey on small mammals that would otherwise be hard to catch, such as small primates, birds, sloths and squirrels.

Osa Peninsula Margays


Also known as mountain lions, the puma traverse the rugged terrain in search of prey as this solitary cat boasts the broadest range. It holds the title of the second heaviest cat on the American continents, following only the jaguar.

Pumas on the Osa Peninsula

These wildcats play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of the Osa Peninsula, regulating prey populations and shaping the dynamics of their habitats. However, they face threats from habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures and the ecosystems they inhabit.

By combining strict protection measures with community engagement and sustainable tourism, the Osa Peninsula stands as a beacon of successful conservation, demonstrating how effective management can safeguard both wildlife and their habitats for future generations to enjoy.

The Wildlife Corridors

Are vital lifelines connecting fragmented habitats, allowing for the free movement of a diverse array of species. These corridors serve as natural pathways, weaving through the dense rainforests, mangroves, and coastal areas of the peninsula, facilitating the movement of wildlife such as jaguars, tapirs, monkeys, and countless bird species.

Within these corridors, animals can travel between protected areas like Corcovado National Park, Piedras Blancas National Park, and the Terraba-Sierpe National Wetlands, ensuring genetic diversity and enabling crucial behaviors such as foraging, mating, and dispersal. These biological corridors act as essential conduits, linking the three most important wildlands on the Osa Peninsula and providing connectivity between key ecosystems.

Through strategic conservation efforts and land-use planning, initiatives aim to safeguard and restore these wildlife corridors, maintaining the integrity of the Osa Peninsula’s ecosystems and ensuring the resilience of its wildlife populations in the face of environmental challenges.

The Wildlife Corridors Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Osa Peninsula Wildlife corridors

Encountering Osa Peninsula Wildcats

If you encounter a wildcat while exploring the Osa Peninsula, it’s essential to prioritize your safety and respect the animal’s space and natural behavior. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Stay Calm: Remain calm and composed. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that might startle the wildcat.
  2. Keep Your Distance: Maintain a safe distance from the wildcat. Do not attempt to approach or chase it. Respect its territory and give it space to move away if it chooses to do so.
  3. Do Not Feed: Refrain from offering food to the wildcat. Feeding wild animals can disrupt their natural behavior and potentially lead to dependency on human food sources.
  4. Avoid Eye Contact: While keeping an eye on the wildcat, avoid direct eye contact, as this can be perceived as a threat or challenge.
  5. Back Away Slowly: If the wildcat appears agitated or starts to approach you, slowly back away while facing the animal. Retreat to a safe distance and give the wildcat ample space to retreat.
  6. Stay Alert: Remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings. If you spot a wildcat, there may be others nearby. Exercise caution and be prepared to react calmly and appropriately.
  7. Report Sightings: After ensuring your safety, consider reporting the sighting to local authorities or conservation organizations. Your observation can contribute valuable information to ongoing wildlife monitoring and conservation efforts in the area.

Remember, encountering a wildcat in its natural habitat is a rare and privileged experience. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a safe and respectful interaction for both yourself and the animal.


Osa Peninsula Tourist Information Center


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Osa Peninsula Accommodation Logo
Osa Peninsula Corcovado Logo
Osa Peninsula Beaches
Osa Peninsula How To Get Logo

1. Visit Corcovado National Park: The Park is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet and is home to a variety of wildlife, including jaguars, tapirs, and scarlet macaws.

2. Go Whale Watching: The Osa Peninsula is one of the best places in Costa Rica to go whale watching. You can spot humpback whales, pilot whales, and even orcas.

3. Explore the Beaches: The Osa Peninsula is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. From white sand beaches to black sand beaches, there is something for everyone.

4. Go Sport Fishing: The Osa Peninsula is a great place to go sport fishing. You can catch a variety of fish, including marlin, sailfish, and roosterfish.

5. Visit the Waterfalls: The Osa Peninsula is home to some of the most beautiful waterfalls in Costa Rica. From the majestic King Louis (Matapalo Waterfall) to the awesome Magical Mogos Waterfalls, there is something for everyone.

6. Go Bird Watching: The Osa Peninsula is home to a variety of birds, including toucans, parrots, and oropendolas.

7. Take a Boat Tour of the Golfo Dulce: Take a boat tour of the Osa Peninsula and explore the mangroves, islands, and beaches.

8. Go Kayaking: Kayaking is a great way to explore the Osa Peninsula. You can paddle through the mangroves and explore the islands.

9. Go Hiking: The Osa Peninsula is home to a variety of hiking trails, from easy to difficult. Explore the rainforest and spot a variety of wildlife.

10. Surfing: It is a great destination for surfers, with some of the best waves in the country. The waves here are suitable for all levels of surfers, from beginners to experienced surfers.