Scarlet Macaws on The Osa Peninsula


Scarlet Macaw · Red-throated Caracara · Potoo · King Vulture · Screech Owl · Orange-collared Manakin · Turquoise Cotinga · Black-cheeked Ant Tanager · Fiery-billed Aracari

Osa Peninsula Birding – nearly 450 more bird species…




Discover Avian Paradise: Birding on Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica!

For bird enthusiasts, Osa Peninsula promises an extraordinary and indelible journey, catering to bird lovers of all expertise levels. This region boasts an awe-inspiring assortment of bird species, many of which are endemic to this pristine corner of the world, making every sighting a once-in-a-lifetime delight.

One of Osa’s main draws lies in its diverse habitats, ranging from lush lowland tropical forests to flourishing mangroves, serene marshes, and picturesque beaches. This ecological diversity creates an ideal haven for an extensive array of avian wonders.

Among the sought-after bird species inhabiting Osa’s protected areas and national parks are the iconic scarlet macaw, the majestic keel-billed toucan, the charming collared aracari, the elegant green ibis, and the endearing white-crowned parrot. These feathered gems grace the landscapes of esteemed locations like Corcovado National Park and Piedras Blancas National Park.

To make the most of your birding adventure, entrust the guidance of reputable birding tours and experienced guides. These professionals know the prime locations, carry the right equipment, and ensure your experience is both safe and delightful.

The Osa Peninsula goes above and beyond to cater to bird lovers, offering eco-friendly birding lodges and resorts with comfortable accommodations and exclusive birding trails and equipment for guests. This allows you to relish the wonders of Osa’s avian kingdom over several days, fully immersing yourself in this remarkable journey.

For any bird lover visiting Costa Rica, birding on the Osa Peninsula is an absolute must. Embrace the diverse habitats, relish the unique bird species, and be captivated by the breathtaking scenery. Whether you are an experienced birder or a novice, birding on the Osa Peninsula promises a memorable experience, unveiling the region’s natural beauty and its rich cultural tapestry.


Prepare for an exceptional birding encounter on the Osa Peninsula, where over 460 magnificent species await your discovery. The Osa region welcomes a vibrant array of migratory and endemic birds, reveling in the accessible rainforests that grace this captivating land. Join local naturalist guides as they lead you into the heart of this magical wonderland, where every sight and sound come alive.

Believe it or not, this extraordinary experience is a reality! The region’s ecosystems boast an astonishing 2.5% of the planet’s biodiversity, a testament to the marvels that await. Welcoming over 150 migrant bird species, the Osa Peninsula becomes their cherished summer home. Embrace the rise of ecotourism, witnessing the protection of more and more land surrounding the celebrated Corcovado National Park, encompassing nearly 2/3rds of this stunning peninsula.

The Osa Peninsula beckons birding enthusiasts with promises of breathtaking diversity and unforgettable encounters. As you explore this enchanting realm, you’ll be swept away by the sheer wonder of nature’s spectacle, relishing in every moment that unfolds. Be a part of this avian paradise, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime!


Discover Nature’s Embrace: Easy Access to Osa Peninsula’s Marvels!

Set foot on the Osa Peninsula, and you’ll find accessibility at every turn. Step out of your vehicle, and be instantly immersed in the sights and sounds of this incredible natural wonderland. The wonders of Osa are readily available for you to explore and savor.

Diverse ecosystems abound on the Osa Peninsula, showcasing a mesmerizing tapestry of mangroves, lowland rainforests, cloud forests, mountain forests, and serene wetlands. Within these lush rainforests lie treasures beyond compare, with over 100 species of trees per hectare and an astonishing 100 species of mammals, including the revered tapir and the regal puma. Adding to this vibrant orchestra of life, the peninsula teems with an incredible array of bird species, gracing the skies with over 8,000 insect species completing this magnificent ensemble.

Unveil nature’s wonders on the Osa Peninsula with ease and delight. Embrace this exceptional journey, where accessibility beckons you to step into the heart of this remarkable sanctuary, where every moment will leave you awe-inspired and captivated. Relish the treasures that await, and let the Osa Peninsula work its magic on your soul.

Birds of Costa Rica
xBird Book of Costa Rica

Bird Species Osa Peninsula

EcoSystems on the Osa Peninsula

A Little Rainforest Bird

with a Big Voice!

Hummingbird Species in Costa Rica

Migrant Bird Species to the Osa

Species of Parrots & Parkeets

Little bird that sings

Bird Species That Will Influence Your Osa Experience

Amidst the well-defined world of Osa Peninsula birding, there are a few feathered wonders that leave an indelible mark on visitors to this extraordinary region. Let us introduce you to some of these unforgettable avian delights that grace this diverse and captivating area.


Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw Cleaning
The Scarlet Macaw EFFECT

Hearing these colourful birds before you see them can lead you to question your eye-sight. And with a flash of brilliant red, blue and yellow, with a loud raucous squawk, you know you are in the rainforest.

In Costa Rica, there are an estimated 1,500 Scarlet Macaws and when you are here on the Osa Peninsula you would think most of them are flying overhead. They can live until 60 years of age and they mate for life.


Fiery-billed Aracari

Fiery-billed Aracari
The Fiery-billed Aracari EFFECT

Unlike their close cousin, the Collared Aracaris, this stunning toucan is named for its red bill and it has a brightly coloured plumage to go with its intriguing beak. They tend to travel in flocks of around 6 to 10 birds so when you hear their chorus, close your eyes and feel the tropical rainforest imprint on your soul. These sounds will return you to The Osa Rainforest, switch your brain off and give yourself a little bit of a rest.

This medium-sized toucan is found in southern Costa Rica and western Panama and breeds only on the Pacific slopes. 


Red-throated Caracara

Red-Throated Caracara
The Red-throated Caracara

This tropical bird is unmistakable by virtue of its size, social habits, and incessant calls which are often very noisy. It utters a strange raucous carrying call “cowh-cah-cowh” or “ah-ah-ah-aou”. We can also hear a long series of “cow-cow-cow-cacow”. In flight, it gives a throaty “rrrah”. These hypnotic sounds can soothe the soul. 

Groups call out and tend to get closer when humans pass through their territory.



Pootoo bird with baby Osa
The Potoo

The song of Common Potoo is described by many as one of the most hauntingly beautiful sounds of the American tropics. This song consists of up to 8 melancholy and wailing or lamenting descending notes, which start loud and gradually drop-in pitch in sliding steps as it fades in volume…some say its melody resembles a ghost. 

They are sometimes called poor-me-ones, after their haunting calls.


King Vulture

The Osa King Vulture
The King Vulture

The King is the first to eat. They are most often seen soaring high around noon, usually very high in the company of groups of Black Vulture. But it is their colourful head and neck, piercing white eyes, and overall white plumage with black trim to wings and tail, that captures your eyes. Nature definitely went with colour on this creation.

King vultures grow to about 2.5 feet (0.8 meters) tall and can weigh up to 8 pounds (3.7 kilograms), making them the largest New World vulture, except for condors.


Orange-collared Manakin

Orange collared Manakin Osa Peninsula
The Orange-collared Manakin

It is the dance of love as the males attract the females to their party inside the forest with a few rapid movements accompanied by sounds produced by their feathers and vocalizations. The males clean an area of bushes creating a dance floor, where at a high speed they vertically bounce from twig to twig. As they settle down, they collide with their wings generating a hollow sound, like little sticks breaking.

They can be found relatively easily on a rainforest hike with a nature guide.


Turquoise Cotinga

Turquoise Coting
The Turquoise Cotinga

This majestic bird Cotinga, comes from the Tupi (natine brasilians) meaning “bright forest bird”. This is an uncommon bird within its habitat and is recognized from the rattle noise that males make on flight with their wings. Seen perch on tall naked trees in the mature forests of the Osa give this coloured songbird a look of a Christmas decorantion.


Screech Owl

Osa Peninsula screech Owl
The Screech Owl

Although this owl is a common species, it is its sound combined with the Osa rainforest that will make a lasting impression. Screech-owls don’t actually screech. It’s true and yet that was the name they were given. I suppose that sounds better than “tremulous”, “modulating”, or “little hooting” owls.


Black-cheeked Ant-tanager

osa Black-cheeked Tanager
The Black-cheeked Ant-tanager

This little bird can only be found in two places: The Osa Peninsula and around Golfo Dulce. It has been documented nesting between January and March. It builds an open cup nest fairly low in understorey vegetation. All known clutches were of two eggs. The species appears to nest cooperatively, as three adults have been documented attending nestlings.


Mangrove Hummingbird

Osa Mangrove Hummingbird
The Mangrove Hummingbird

This is definitely a gift from nature. Found only in Costa Rica, its beautiful calls have been described as a soft, yet rapid, dit sound given in a descending twitter. Their breeding season usually stretches from October through February.

Osa Peninsula Birds
Costa Rica Field Guide
birds of the Osa


Osa Peninsula Birding

December to May

The least amount of rain on the Osa with the driest month being March

PROS – We have the North America migration of birds to the Osa. Nesting. Lots of activity in the birding community. Most activity in build nests and mating.

CONS – This is high season for tourism with higher prices and more visitors

May to September

These are the transitional months and a time of afternoon rains and storms

PROS – In the green season, as the rains begin, their is more availability in lodges and in Corcovado National Park.

CONS – The North American migration is finished

Sept to December

This is the peak of our rainy season with showers daily and the wettest month being October.

PROS – Great prices at ecolodges that stay open this time of year. After heavy rains the birds wil be more active in the morning as the dry themselves.

CONS – Many ecolodges are closed during this time

The Art of an Osa Bird Guide

In the enchanting realm of Osa, the Bird Guides possess an innate connection to the astonishing number of bird species that dwell here. With expert precision, they will identify these winged wonders, unraveling their life histories while immersing you in the captivating symphony of sounds and bird behaviors.

Nearly all lodges on the peninsula offer the expertise of these passionate guides, drawn to the mesmerizing bird diversity that graces the Osa Peninsula. Get ready to be enthralled by the avian wonders that await, as these knowledgeable guides lead you on an unforgettable journey through this birdwatcher’s paradise.

Seeking a seasoned bird guide? Look no further! Don’t hesitate to reach out to Osa Tourism for expert assistance.

Osa Peninsula Map Beaches

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Osa Peninsula Tourist Information Center


Up-To-Date Tourist Information from the Osa Peninsula

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Osa Peninsula Corcovado Logo
Osa Peninsula Beaches
Osa Peninsula How To Get Logo

1. Visit Corcovado National Park: The Park is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet and is home to a variety of wildlife, including jaguars, tapirs, and scarlet macaws.

2. Go Whale Watching: The Osa Peninsula is one of the best places in Costa Rica to go whale watching. You can spot humpback whales, pilot whales, and even orcas.

3. Explore the Beaches: The Osa Peninsula is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. From white sand beaches to black sand beaches, there is something for everyone.

4. Go Sport Fishing: The Osa Peninsula is a great place to go sport fishing. You can catch a variety of fish, including marlin, sailfish, and roosterfish.

5. Visit the Waterfalls: The Osa Peninsula is home to some of the most beautiful waterfalls in Costa Rica. From the majestic King Louis (Matapalo Waterfall) to the awesome Magical Mogos Waterfalls, there is something for everyone.

6. Go Bird Watching: The Osa Peninsula is home to a variety of birds, including toucans, parrots, and oropendolas.

7. Take a Boat Tour of the Golfo Dulce: Take a boat tour of the Osa Peninsula and explore the mangroves, islands, and beaches.

8. Go Kayaking: Kayaking is a great way to explore the Osa Peninsula. You can paddle through the mangroves and explore the islands.

9. Go Hiking: The Osa Peninsula is home to a variety of hiking trails, from easy to difficult. Explore the rainforest and spot a variety of wildlife.

10. Surfing: It is a great destination for surfers, with some of the best waves in the country. The waves here are suitable for all levels of surfers, from beginners to experienced surfers.